Will it open and what if it doesn't?
By Morgan Tobin
I’m sure people have noticed the upsurge in heat around town lately. Our town has been reaching temperatures in the 80’s and 90’s, and most people would usually go to a specific place to cool down the Millburn pool. Even though it has been confirmed that pools don’t spread Covid-19, our town had delayed our usual annual pool opening weekend of May 23 and is still to verify its new opening date. It has to come to wonder if they will open the pool this year. The town has opened the Jero Park batting cages (they do have new rules though), so there is still a chance. Even if the pool did open, only a small group of people would be allowed to go there at a time. To be able to open this year, the pool would have to make plans that would fit a variety of things. However, you don’t need to go to the pool to cool down, there are many other options. While I myself find it comforting to sit on the cool floor of my family's parlor or sit on the couch right next to the air conditioning, you can also do fun activities to cool down.
I think many of you are familiar with the activity, water balloon fighting! You could easily go up to your friends or neighbors and see if they are free to get in a bathing suit and play with balloons full of water. A water balloon fight might be a good idea because you can play with a small group of people at a good distance, heck why not throw some water guns into the mix! Though if you do decide to do a water balloon fight, make sure to clean up the remains of the water balloons afterward, and avoid throwing a ballon at or aiming at someone’s face. Another alternative could be running through a sprinkler. You sprinklers that are used for running through, or just use a regular garden one. While this may seem childish, it can still be fun and is another rather easy thing to do. Plus, you can either do this with some friends(probably only one or two) or just do it solo. While it is uncertain if we will be able to enjoy the refreshing water activity that is the pool, you can still have fun!