Books You’ll Actually Like
The Mysterious and Suspenseful, One of us is lying!
One of Us is Lying is a YA American mystery novel, written by Karen M. McManus. This book includes drama, suspense, and mystery. This book is about 5 kids who go into detention, but one of them doesn’t make it out. There’s the smart kid, the popular one, the athlete, the criminal who’s been selling drugs, and there’s the one who died, Simon. He created an app that had all the nasty gossip on everyone, and everyone in that school had it. Who wouldn’t want him gone? This book will keep you up all night reading in suspense wondering what’s going to happen? Karen M. McManus also has the sequel to this book called One of Us is Next. Some of the other books she’s written are Two Can Keep a Secret and Cousins. One of Us is Lying is a great mystery and suspense novel. So crack open that book today and enjoy this suspenseful lead.
The Magical, Jaw-dropping Nevermoor Series!
If you’re looking for a good book or series to sit down with, then look no further than the Nevermoor series! A story featuring a cursed girl called Morrigan Crow who is whisked away by a strange man by the name of Jupiter North to the city of Nevermoor! A trilogy of books featuring big talking housemaid cats, strange transportation methods, dwarf-vampires, magic hotels, garden parties full of frogs and toads, and just maybe a bit of Wunder. This fantastic British originated book series will catch your attention!
New E-Books at the Millburn Library!
Are you lacking an enjoyable read? Miss checking out books from the library? Well, the Millburn Free Public Library has momentarily purchased E-books! Go to Millburn Library: Millburn Free Public Library Millburn, NJ to check it out! Even though all libraries are closed by the law, books are still accessible virtually. You can borrow an e-book stream a movie or series through Hoopla. You can even learn a new language with Mango languages or Rosetta Stone! There are so many things that the MFPL (Millburn Free Public Library) has provided for us. Go to the E-resources page to find a way to download books for free! Also, be sure to check out the calendar for events hosted by the MFPL. Reading is an awesome way to spend part of your life, and while in quarantine, it’s a great way to pass the time! So go crazy and read away!
Reviews done by Franna Hawksworth, Lily Philipov and Morgan Tobin