Trees: The Real Deal

Written by Lily Philipov

Have you ever thought that the tree in your backyard could be chopped down? How about that beautiful magnolia in your neighbor’s front yard? Well, it could be possible. 55,600 trees are getting cut down each minute. They certainly need our help.  To save trees avoid using too much paper. Here is some further information on how you can save paper.


  • Print on both sides of the paper

  • Use a whiteboard for taking notes and reminders

  • Re-use notebooks until the end page and avoid any blank pages

  • Store all documents electronically

  • Ask an adult in your household to unsubscribe to any junk mail

  • Communicate via emails/text messages/phone calls

  • Re-use scrap paper

  • Use a handkerchief instead of tissues

  • Use towels instead of paper towels

  • Instead of drawing on paper using an electronic app


  • Try to submit every paper electronically

  • When printing, use both sides of the paper

  • Re-use printer paper

  • For school supplies, buy recycled paper

  • Always recycle paper

  • If your school has jet-air dryer use that instead of paper towels in the bathroom or just dry your hand in your clothes

Wood is also created from trees. You should also avoid using wood. So next school year, instead of buying wood pencils, get mechanical ones. If you run out of lead on a wooden pencil, you’ll have to but a new one (-1 tree) but if you run out of the lead on a mechanical pencil, then you simply just have to buy some more lead (also, lead is not made of trees and it isn’t expensive). You’re not using wood that way and you can choose a cool design/color on the mechanical pencil!


Games that were popular in the early 2000s.